Products & Services

PG&CP offers an array of products and services that can be specifically tailored to an individual client/project’s requirements.  Whether your firm is a small startup or a large multinational, we have the experience and flexibility to provide you with real-world solutions that will work for your project and give your business the tools to succeed in a evolving market.

Risk Analysis Products

The Desktop Review is a 10-15 page summary that provides a comprehensive  examination of every aspect of your project specifically focused upon risk assessment.

The Desktop Review typically includes:

  1. An analysis and summary of existing sources of information (such as broker and carrier engineering reports).
  2. A  detailed discussion of the equipment, the risk parameters and  economic factors influencing the risk.
  3. Information concerning the Uniform Loss Events (MFL –  Maximum Foreseeable Loss, PML – Probable Maximum Loss, and NLE – Normal Loss Event) detailing the PD/BI loss scenarios and monetary amount of loss for these events. The information we include in our Desktop Reviews is centered upon aiding you in properly gauging the deductible and pricing levels and set limits.
  4. PG&CP’s numerical score and technical recommendation – derived from a proprietary computer program that forms the basis of the Risk Assessment Tool.

Loss Prevention Survey- an on-site review of the exposures and hazards at a location. PG&CP can serve as the technical arm for clients who lack an organic loss prevention infrastructure.  PG&CP has experience in performing loss prevention surveys at single locations, overall accounts, and for builders risk projects.

Risk Assessment Software (ULTRA) – PG&CP offers customers access to its proprietary software (ULTRA – Underwriting Loss & Technical Risk Assessment) allowing them to analyze risks themselves. Utilizing a user-friendly interface on a licensed, web-based platform, this software will give clients the ability to produce reports similar to the Desktop Review (ULEs, numerical ratings by location and for the overall risk and so on). This software will enable insurers and reinsurers to use PG&CP’s ULE database for its underwriters, brokers to develop more accurate terms and conditions for placements and risk managers to assume more direct involvement in their facility’s risks.

Training Services

  1. Loss Prevention – PG&CP can help to optimize and re-invigorate clients’ existing loss prevention and risk management staff through audit of practices and/or training.
  2. Risk Transfer – PG&CP will share its understanding of best industry practices, ‘pulling back the curtain’ on risk assessment and risk rating.
  3. Risk Management –  PG&CP can assist clients to better to optimize their  risk management functions.

Consulting Services

  1. Loss Mitigation Services –  PG&CP can deliver a range of services (adjustment, mitigation, analysis, defense) in support of a customer’s claims activities.
  2. Assistance in Recruiting – PG&CP can help customers to build their own loss prevention/risk management capability by assisting in the recruiting, hiring, and training of staff.
  3. Benchmarking – We can compare a client’s operations with the industry’s best practices.
  4. Builders Risk –  PG&CP will review projects and identify/assess the risks, while offering recommendations for modifying, mitigating, avoiding or transferring the risk altogether. We provide this service throughout the project’s progress to assure that risk is constantly assessed and managed appropriately.